Grupo Gestionet participates in the project Sustainability Accounting Learning Platform for a Green Economy (Account4GreenEco)

The “Sustainability Accounting Learning Platform for a Green Economy” (Account4GreenEco) is an EU funded project that seeks to facilitate students’ learning to become competent sustainability accounting professionals that will assist firms in meeting the EU sustainability information requirements and support the green transition of the EU economy.

To that end, the project will create an online course that will take advantage of current technological developments to create an interactive and dynamic online learning environment.

ccount4GreenEco aims to develop an open and interactive sustainability accounting online learning environment, the Sustainability Accounting Learning Platform for a Green Economy, to promote the integration of this topic into the business and accounting curricula in the European Higher Education Area and support the green transition of the EU economy.

The project is structured in three operational objectives to produce specific results that will jointly contribute to achieving the project’s overall goal:

  • The first operational objective focuses on elaborating high-quality and structured learning materials and resources on sustainability accounting. The materials and resources will be structured in 3 modules covering key aspects of sustainability accounting that will be gradually produced during the project.
  • The second operational objective focuses on implementing the learning materials and resources in an open and interactive online learning platform.
  •  The third operational objective focuses on fostering the use of the learning platform in accounting graduate programs and professional training. To do so, the project will engage with accounting lecturers and practitioners to disseminate the sustainability accounting online learning platform.

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